Nature's Chatter
California ChipmunkRing-Neck SnakeGreen-Tailed TowheeUmber SkipperPlummer's Mariposa LilySanta Rosa Plateau


Welcome to

The purpose of this website is to share our outdoor experience and observations with you in hopes of raising your awareness of nature's offerings that are all around you wherever you may be. We encourage you to pause what you are doing, just for a moment, to enjoy these gifts from nature. You could be out hiking, riding a bike, jogging or just gardening around the house when some creature flies or wanders into view or you discover a special plant hidden amongst the others. We find these simple experiences to be very rewarding. We hope you can learn to enjoy them too.

Areas Traveled

Living near the east San Gabriel Foothills, most of our information will be local to the natural areas in this region.

Places like: Glendora - Big Dalton Canyon, Colby Canyon, Little Dalton Canyon; San Dimas - San Dimas Canyon, Horsethief Canyon; La Verne - Marshall Canyon; Claremont - Johnson's Pasture, Thompson Creek, Pomello Canyon; and the Mount Baldy area - Mount Baldy, Bear Flats, San Antonio Ski Hut, Icehouse Canyon.

However we will also include information from those occasional trips to locations a little more distant. Places like: Orange County - including Chino Hills State Park and several coastal locations; the Inland Empire - including Oak Glen Preserve, Whitewater Preserve and other locations; and many other special places.

These places are an easy one day getaway from the noise and crowds so you can clear your head and recharge your soul.

Searching This Site

We have designed this site to be quickly and easily searchable using either the Google Custom Search or the DataTable feature.

The Google Custom Search is useful for random searches over the entire website. This feature can be found on most of the pages.

The DataTable feature is useful for searching within a specific section or category of This is especially useful for searching through large amounts of data such as that found on our Sightings and Observations Log. This feature can be found within the various sections or categories of

Both of these search tools are fast and easy to use, though the DataTable may require a little practice to get used to at first.

About The Content

We offer you a snapshot of information so as not to take up too much of your time but to hopefully grab your interest.

However, if you have more time or desire more detailed information, we have provided you with external links to other sites under "Resources" on the navigation bar. These sites should provide you with more than enough information. In some cases we have provided you with external links where we feel that someone else has done such a good job, we feel no need to try to re-invent the wheel.

We will be adding many more Plants, Birds, Animals, Bugs and Places as time goes on. Also, many more topics are going to be added - things like Maps, Gear and Tips to help make your outings as enjoyable as possible.

About The Pictures

All the pictures on this site (unless otherwise noted) were taken by us while wandering the outdoors. Most were taken while hiking. Some were taken while mountain biking - when stopped of course. A few were taken while kayaking.

In most cases we have more than one picture of a subject, so we try to give you varied views so you can see more details about the subject. This is especially useful for identifying birds and butterflies. When we have more time we will add more pictures for each subject.

We Hope You Enjoy Your Visit — Both Here And On The Trail!

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