Find more information about birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and bugs by visiting the website links below. If you observe an animal or bug that you are not familiar with, the information you find on these websites can help you determine what it is. Many of theses websites allow you to collaborate with knowledgeable persons in the field.
You can find more information about Birds by visiting the website links below.
The All About Birds website from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology:
This website features information, pictures and video about birds and the hobby of Birding.
A joint effort by National Audubon Society and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology:
Here you will find data indicating where the birds are located. Also, you can participate by submitting your sightings to the experts.
The What Bird website:
Features birding information, birding equipment reviews, bird feeder reviews and birding apps for your mobile device.
You can find more information about Mammals by visiting the website links below.
Smithsonian Institute, Museum of Natural History, N. American Mammals:
Features maps, family trees, species search, conservation status and more.
Smithsonian Institute, Museum of Natural History, N. American Mammals:
Features an eco-region locator and family tree display application. website - Bringing Nature To Life:
Features an advanced search tool that allows you to search by color, size, shape and region. Offers several field guides, mobile apps, ringtones and screen savers. Besides mammals, they also include birds, bugs, reptiles, amphibians, sea creatues and plants.
You can find more information about Reptiles and Amphibians by visiting the website links below. - Snakes
California Herps: Snakes
Search feature, species listing, range maps, photo index, identification notes and more. - Lizards
California Herps: Lizards
Search feature, species listing, range maps, photo index, identification notes and more. - Frogs
California Herps: Frogs
Search feature, species listing, range maps, photo index, identification notes and more. - Salamanders
California Herps: Salamanders
Search feature, species listing, range maps, photo index, identification notes and more. - Turtles
California Herps: Turtles
Search feature, species listing, range maps, photo index, identification notes and more.
You can find more information about Bugs by visiting the website links below.
Bug Guide - An online knowledgebase of bugs:
Features search, identification notes, images, and tons more information about bugs found in N. America and Canada.
Gardens With Wings is all about butterflies:
Features an advanced search tool that allows you to search by shape, color and size. Also offers information about caterpillars and butterfly gardens.
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